Timbered Block approx. 39km to Dalby. Bitumen Road Frontage - 51.81 Hectares.
Here is the weekend escape destination you have been looking for.
Reinstate existing walking tracks or just buy and hold for the future.
The block is fully timbered with one dam.
All weather bitumen road access to Dalby which has a full range of services.
Priced at $149,000 neg
Aaron Landgren - 0402455708
Andrew Fitzsimmons - 0428 625311
NB. Fitzsimmons Real Estate for themselves and the vendor of this property for whom they act give notice that (A) all information given in relation to this property, whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility, (B) intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own enquiries, advices of as is otherwise necessary, (C) no person in the employment of Fitzsimmons Real Estate has any authority to make or give any representation of warranty whatever in relation to this property.
Reinstate existing walking tracks or just buy and hold for the future.
The block is fully timbered with one dam.
All weather bitumen road access to Dalby which has a full range of services.
Priced at $149,000 neg
Aaron Landgren - 0402455708
Andrew Fitzsimmons - 0428 625311
NB. Fitzsimmons Real Estate for themselves and the vendor of this property for whom they act give notice that (A) all information given in relation to this property, whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility, (B) intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own enquiries, advices of as is otherwise necessary, (C) no person in the employment of Fitzsimmons Real Estate has any authority to make or give any representation of warranty whatever in relation to this property.
51.81 ha